Software That Can
Sell More Media
We Do That.
Over $1.2B in OOH is booked annually through DOmedia by agencies and direct advertisers. Learn how we help businesses sell media.
DOmedia makes sales human again.
Emails, powerpoint presentations, photosheets, maps, spreadsheets, pricing approvals, availability checks, proposals and contracts – DOmedia can make them all automatic. Our software lets salespeople focus on clients instead of computer screens.
DOmedia makes sales faster.
Analyzing over $10B in OOH contracts shows sellers' responsiveness influences agency buying decisions. DOmedia makes sales faster with tools that range from automatically pre-filled RFPs to e-commerce transactions where sellers just sit back and approve contracts.
Here's what we DO for 1,400+ media sellers


Manually respond to agency RFPs.
Use data and automation to respond better, faster.
Access a full automated workflow for sales, operations, and more.
0% of all contracted media
0.5% of all contracted media
Priced to fit your needs, Contact Us
Manage DOmedia accounts
Edit company profile on DOmedia
Manage and store inventory data
Create and save inventory packages
Automatically generate TRP / GRP plan
Track inventory availability
Lease management tools
Respond to agency RFPs
Store / access RFPs via RFP dashboard
Fill proposals from spreadsheet upload
Fill proposals from stored inventory data
Generate proposal from historical data
Generate proposal from target location list
Automatically store new asset and proposal data
Propose for RFPs you weren't sent
Automatically generate photosheets
Proposal data analytics dashboard
Generate interactive proposals for all sales
Store / access proposals via proposal dashboard
Attach files to proposals
Create / manage client profiles
Save custom proposal templates by client
Create custom pricing rules
Propose packaged inventory assets
Store / access contracts via dashboard
Automatically generate contracts for all sales
Posting instructions dashboard
Generate posting instructions
Map proposed media
Generate target location lists / POI
Customize Google Street View position
Share maps to anyone via link
Create unlimited maps
Customize map icons and layers
3rd party audience data
Contract billing
Local ads marketplace (BillboardsIn)
If you need it, we almost certainly do it.
(the answer is "yes," just tell us the question)
The Largest Online OOH Marketplace (that's "billboards in") is DOmedia's online buying platform for local advertisers.
75% of users have never bought OOH before. We make sure it's an easy, accessible process.
Sellers set the prices and have the final approval of all contracts. If you're interested in finding new customers, make sure you're set up to get business from BillboardsIn.
Screenshot of
We help media sales businesses transform themselves, without sacrificing the experience and traditions that make them great.