Busby Companies

P O Box 6439
Laurel, MS 39440

Busby Companies is a local family owned and operated billboard advertising company in Laurel, Mississippi with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We have worked diligently to build a reputable advertising company from the ground up by striving to meet the advertising needs of local businesses and the local economy. Today, we offer statewide digital, vinyl and tri-vision billoard advertising, along with on-field sports marketing. We also specialize in the design and manufacturing of sports arena displays, on-premise signage, LED fuel numbers and LED marquee displays. As we continue to grow, our goal is to one day provide total market coverage across the entire state. Busby Companies is committed to serving the State of Mississippi by providing competive rates and one-on-one customer service and by surpassing the needs of our customers through effective and affordable advertising.


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